Amish Superstition Read online

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  Despite the community’s initial hesitation, and the mishap on the way back from York, it was clear that Jacob and Miriam were going to be accepted as fellow members. Ethan and Miriam were already inseparable and received a number of knowing looks as they exited the church together. Yes indeed, they were both going to fit in quite nicely.

  After the service everyone gathered in the great hall for an all church luncheon. More kindnesses and blessings were offered and Hannah graciously accepted them all. These were a special group of people and she realized that she – and Jacob – belonged to a loving and caring community.

  Hannah silently thanked God for everything she’d experience in recent days, especially for bringing Jacob into her life.

  Finally, it was time to for everyone to leave. Jacob accompanied Hannah back to her home. Her parents went inside and the two of them stayed on the porch, enjoying the late afternoon. Birds were chirping and the sunlight was glittering through the trees. Two of the neighborhood dogs playfully chased each other up and down the road.

  It was a perfect evening to a wonderful day.

  Turning to Jacob, Hannah said, “Thank you for caring for me yesterday.”

  “I couldn’t have done otherwise,” he said. “I’m just glad you’re unhurt.”

  She was silent, enjoying the moment.

  After a while, she said, “It looks like you’ll be staying, then? In Ephraim, I mean.”

  Hannah blushed.

  “Yes. Miriam wasn’t certain at first, but now that she’s met Ethan, I couldn’t drag her away. No one could drag me away either, now that I’ve met someone, too.”

  Jacob touched her cheek. Hannah held her breath, not wanting to break the spell. Then she thought of something.

  “So, now that you’re staying, are you finally going to tell me your nickname?”

  Jacob offered back a mischievous smile.

  “You don’t have one, do you?” Hannah said, showing a bit of disappointment. “Miriam was right, your nickname is simply Jake, short for Jacob. Which is really not that much of a nickname, is it?”

  “Oh, I have one all right,” he insisted. “From the moment I saw you, I had one.”

  A confused look came across her face. Jake shrugged.

  “I did a bit of discreet research after I first met you. You’re father’s name is Jacob Beiler, correct?”


  “And his father before him, your grandfather was also Jacob Beiler.”

  “That’s true.”

  She still wasn’t sure where this was going.

  “And before your grandparents died, to differentiate them I’d heard people used to refer to them in reference to their wives. Ruth’s Jake, for your grandfather, and Martha’s Jake for your father.”

  Hannah couldn’t help but begin to smile.

  “And so,” Jacob continued, “I think it’s obvious what my nickname is going to be….”

  “Hannah’s Jake,” she said, finishing his thought.

  “Always and forever,” he said, and kissed her gently on the lips.

  The End